Happy Lunar New Year! Today marks the year of the Tiger. Last year was the year of the Ox which signified diligence, strength, and down to earth persistence. The introduction and availability of vaccines and now a booster helped turn the world from hiding and fear, to adjusting and adapting. It has been a slow and persistence way forward even with the resurgent of Omicron. We now know what it takes from each of us and what a way forward could look like.
What the year of the Tiger 2022 hopes to bring is courage, new ways to face a challenge and the energy to do so. The Tiger is the perfect symbol to bring healing and joy to this next chapter. “Joy is the most radical form of rebellion” Amanda Nguyen said about the symbolism of this Tiger Lunar New Year. I feel that quote perfectly fits the energy of the Water Tiger. It is Yin, submerged in imagination, feelings, contemplation, re-consideration and reflections. All these qualities inspire a hopeful comeback from COVID and finding the joy and purpose of deep healing. Now we can move forward with a purpose of joy. If we have allowed ourselves to sit with the grief and decay this past year, the start and process of this year should be illuminating and a beacon for us to begin to heal externally as well. Individually, in family and with community.
Also getting so close to Mercury retrograde completing it cycle. It comes out the 4th of February so stalled projects, communication, fizzed out electronics and stagnation should all start to clear up. There is still a shadow period and the worse is over soon. Congratulations on getting through the first retrograde of the year.
As always I am here in Back Bay.
To joy, hope, courage and wisdom. To the soon to awakening of Spring.
Thank you for the encouragement and positive words.
Love the positivity!